Is Your Period Hell? Talk With Your OBGYN For Help Today!

7 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog


So many women go through perpetual hell every 20 to 30 days as their bodies experience the monthly menstrual cycle. Cramping, bloating, headaches, body aches, mood swings, bleeding – every single month until something is done about it or menopause hits. If you're suffering each month with period symptoms that leave you debilitated, you're not alone and there are things that can be done to make it better for you. Here, you'll find some information that'll help you find some comfort during your monthly cycle from hell.

Go to your OBGYN                                            

Does your OBGYN know that you've been suffering like you are? If not, that's your first mistake. There could be so many things going on inside your body that could be contributing to your pain. Endometriosis, cysts, cancer – these are just a few things that can cause periods to become debilitating, and if you don't go to the doctor, you won't know.

Call and schedule an appointment. Before you go, sit down and write down all of the symptoms that you've been experiencing. Many women keep a menstruation log that they can present to the doctor to clearly show the problems as they occur – there are also apps that you can download onto your phone to track your cycle. Each day, you open the app and tick off the symptoms that you're experiencing. You can print the results to give to the doctor. Timelines are crucial in helping create a good treatment plan.

Stop Using Tampons

A lot of women have found some relief from cramping and bloating during their period by not using tampons anymore. Pads aren't as bulky and uncomfortable as they used to be – in fact, some are as thin and unnoticeable as panty liners.

Not using tampons can allow for the blood to flow freely out of your body. It can reduce the number of clots that you experience with each cycle, which will reduce the cramping and bloating.

Tip: If you have dogs that make it difficult to dispose of used pads without the pups getting into them, get a diaper trash can that moms use to store dirty diapers. This will trap the odor inside and keep the dog out of the trash.

Seriously ladies, don't continue to suffer. When things are this bad, there may be medication to help, or your doctor may recommend a hysterectomy to stop the torture altogether. You won't know until you go and discuss your personal monthly hell.